

Yonda? It means: Did you read? This play-on-words panda character by 100% Orange was created to promote Shincho-Bunko (bunko are small Japanese paperbacks, and Shincho is one of the largest and oldest publishing companies). You can see bright yellow posters and ads like the one above each summer in bookstores across Japan. Below are a few delightful Yonda comic strips, plus a few covers of Yom Yom, a literary magazine. By collecting coupons inside the paperbacks, young readers can order special books, toys and goods from the Yonda Club that aren't for sale anywhere else. Another wonderful branding job from 100% ORANGE.

You can also download some Yom Yom desktop wallpapers here. Bookstore image via Nekousa.

Sam's Myth presents a week-long celebration of the illustrated work of 100% ORANGE. From Monday: 100% ORANGE + Louis Malle. From Tuesday: 100% ORANGE - GOOD SMILE Part 1. For two beautifully-laid out compendiums of 100% ORANGE illustration, each art objects in their own right, find a copy of these two titles: ILLUSTRATION WORK: GOOD SMILE and the "100% ORANGE A to Z" issue of Pooka magazine:


Gould said...


Keep posting about Japan onegaishimasu ;-)

Anonymous said...

So inspirational!

maggie said...

I would love a copy! Do you know if they are available in any american websites?